Author Archives: Cynthia Braseth

About Cynthia Braseth

I am a retired nurse, now an Entrepreneur and Network Marketer. As a nurse, helping people is part of my DNA and I want to teach people what I have learned about marketing their businesses.

I can help with that Resolution…

Was your Resolution for this year to be more fit? Or to finally get those last 10 pounds off. I can help. The company that I represent has an innovative program called Automatic Body. This program goes against all of the conventional wisdom around weight loss because you don’t have to change your whole lifestyle right away. All you do is one small change, every week. The cool thing is, your phone reminds you of those changes and when to make them. How cool is that!

OK, I did warn you that I was going to start plugging my business, so no whining or complaining. Besides, there might be some of you out there who are looking for something different. There is something for everyone in the program. You can lose lots of weight or go from having a good body to RIPPED! Kim Lyons and I are here to help.

Oh did I forget to mention that the program is designed by Kim Lyons, celebrity trainer on the first couple of seasons of the Biggest Loser? Yeah well, she designed this program because she became discouraged when she watched people lose a ton of weight and then a couple of years later put it all and more back on. There is nothing else out there to compare to Automatic Body. The results that people are achieving are amazing! Not just in weight loss but in overall health.

Have I generated a small spark of interest? Contact me or visit my website If you are looking for something different, I can help.

It’s Going to be a Good Year!

It’s only a couple of days into 2014 and I’m stoked! My business is growing and my prospects for this year are excellent. I’m going to spend this weekend thinking about my goals both for my home business and my personal life. I am committed to making both better this year.

I watched a video by Ray Higdon ( this morning.  He talked about one very important thing that we should all do before setting our goals for this year. Now that we’ve all done our reflection back on 2013 it’s time to RELEASE everything and move forward. We can’t do anything about last year. It’s over. Didn’t make your goals, OK, what will you change this year to get there?

I love working from home so I plan on doing whatever it takes to make this year a success. The last two days have been great. I’ve been working today in the middle of a blizzard, I didn’t have to go anywhere and I have grown by 10%. The people I work with are great, the support is terrific and I’m going for it.

Yes, 2014 is going to be a Very Good Year!

The New Year is Upon Us

Yesterday I wrote about goals and resolutions, and I’m going to continue that theme somewhat tonight. After all, ’tis the season. Everywhere you look this week someone is doing some retrospective on 2013. I even saw a show that discussed the top “time wasters” of 2013. Of course it was meant to be funny, but it was kind of scary to see the kinds of things we spend our time on; twerking, celebrity breakups……scary. And of course, it was a waste of time!

So, as we all look back, which we will, let’s only do it to take inventory. What do we want to change, what do we want to get rid of altogether, and what will we improve on next year. I do it twice a year when I clean my closets for the new season, so I decided why not do it with my life as well. I’m not going to dwell on the past because it’s time to look forward. Forgive and let go of all of things that messed me up this year and move on!

So that’s what I’m going to do, how about you?


Goals for 2014

This is the time of year that we all start thinking about next year and what we want our lives to be like. Many of us look forward with anticipation about what the New Year will hold. Some of us dread it. And some of us just don’t have a clue. We all want next year to be better in some way. So we set goals, or make resolutions.

Many times our resolutions are the same year to year, lose weight, get in better shape, find a better job etc. I am challenging you all to set some goals for 2014. Really think about what you want and how you are going to get there. It can be a little scary because what if you don’t make it? What if you change your mind? What if something happens and you have to change everything? So what?

You will never get there if you don’t try. It does take some effort to really consider what it is you want. For some people it comes to them right away, they can picture it and are able to lay out a plan. For some of us, it’s a little harder, but that’s no reason not to try. Besides, what do you have to lose? You may even surprise yourself when you’re honest about what you want. I did. I never thought in a million years I’d be writing a blog and have my own business. Not my style, but here I am.

So take the time now and lay out 2014. The worst that could happen is you put it in a drawer and never look at it again. But, what if, you discover your true passion…. You never know!


Are You Always Right?

Are you one of those people who always has to be right? It doesn’t matter what it’s about, large or small? I thought about this because I ran across a quote and I don’t who know who it came from. But it struck me when I read it: “You can either be right or you can be happy.” As I thought about it, it really takes a lot of work to be right all the time!

I’m not very detailed, you see. I usually let others keep all that messy stuff in their heads. I can barely remember my own cell phone number! And any self-respecting person who needs to be right, would have all the facts of course. NOT! Sometimes I think they just make things up!

So if you’re one of those people, are you happy? Is it worth it to win every argument? Do you like knowing everything? Personally, I prefer blissful ignorance. It can be very liberating. You should try it sometime!!

I’m Baaaaack!!

I know it’s been a while since I posted on this blog. I took some time off to think about the direction I wanted this to take. I like writing about whatever comes into my head that particular day, or a quote that struck me; but it’s really not getting me anywhere.

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a home business. I mention that every now and then, but not what it is. My dilemma, however, is that I also don’t want this to be a daily commercial for my business. I want to help people whether they join me in business or not, or whether they become a customer or not. It’s my nature, I’m a nurse.

So I decided on a compromise, continue to write about my thoughts, but every now and then do a commercial. Sound good? I hope so.

So, WARNING! shameless plug below:

I am part of launching a new MLM called Nutrie. We are in the Health and Wellness field (right up my alley) and have a radical approach to health and fitness called Automatic Body. We advocate One Small Change every week and the results we are getting are amazing! If this intrigues you, check me out:

OK Commercial over. I hope everyone had a fabulous Holiday Season and wishing you all fulfillment of your dreams in 2014!

How Bad do you Want IT?

Hey everyone, I’m back after a little time off to take care of some family crises.  I have spent some time really thinking about what I want and what I am willing to do to get it. How much pain can I endure right now with lots of other things going on in my life. But I realize, there will always be crises happening, real or imagined. So it’s up to  me to decide where I go from here.

I read an article today written by Mark Manson. He talks about the most important question we can all ask ourselves. It’s not “What do we want our lives to be?”  Rather it’s “what pain do you want?”  He points out that this question is a better determinate of where we end up.

Think about it, it’s true. If you want something really good, there is usually some sort of pain associated with it.  I remember when I wanted to finish my first marathon. There were a lot of painful miles that I had to run in order to train for that marathon. And I didn’t just want to finish, I wanted to finish with a decent time.  To do that took a lot of dedication and pain.  Just so you know, I missed qualifying for Boston by 10 minutes.  That really hurt.

So my challenge to you today is, what pain are you ready to endure to get what you want?  I included the link to the article below. Read it, spend some time thinking about where you want to be and let me know what you come up with.

Try Something….Even if it’s just once

We got a new puppy this weekend after losing our other black lab to kidney failure. So I’ve been a little busy trying to keep up with all this energy wrapped up in this tiny 7 week old puppy. Words to describe him are curious, no fear, run, explore, play, and fun. He’s just like a small child with no previous experience or inhibitions so he doesn’t fear them.

He’s met all of the “bigger” dogs in the neighborhood and has established that he has arrived, they don’t intimidate him at all. Again, no prior experience to tell him otherwise! He was a little tentative at first when exploring all of the nooks and crannies in the house, but now, I can find him almost anywhere. We’ve only had him here three nights and two days and he already knows where everything is, especially the things I don’t want him to know about!

So, we can learn from this puppy. We need to learn how to approach the world in the same way that he is. Try everything once, and don’t let the “big dogs” scare you. Explore everything to the fullest before dismissing it. If you’ve thought about starting something new or getting into business for yourself, do it….

But, the other thing I’m learning, is that if something “bites back” he comes running for support. We all need to remember that too. That we are not alone and need to reach out to our support system.

So be brave, explore your dreams, have fun and cultivate your support system. Fear is a learned behavior that we can change. But only if we want to.


How’s your EGO?

I ask how your ego is because it can get in the way of your success. It will make you afraid to ask for help when you need it. We all need help sometimes. We don’t know everything, even though we think we should because we are the leaders.

Are you afraid that those you sponsored will think less of you if you say, “I don’t know.” when they ask a question? Or do you want your upline to think you are independent and don’t need them? Well, I actually respect the person who asks for help more than those that don’t. That’s because, I have a tendency to let my ego get in the way. Stumbling over my ego has slowed me down. It takes more time to be the know-it-all. I’m learning to ask for help even though I think I should know.

I also started to realize that I needed to consider the example I was setting for those I sponsored. If you come off as having to know everything, they will think that too. That scares them off. They also become reluctant to ask questions when they have them. So they begin to flounder and may even quit.

So, check your ego, and if it’s getting in the way, recognize that and let it go. It’s just your brain playing tricks on you anyway.